Cookie Policy

Cookie Usage Policy for Dast Property

Dast Property Cookie Policy

Dast Property is a registered brand of Dast Property, an overseas real estate company. is the property of Dast Property.

At, we utilize cookies to enhance the user experience and provide a superior service. Visitors have the option to block cookie usage through their browser settings and clear previous session data. However, blocking cookie usage may impact the visitor's experience on our website.

Visitors who do not block cookie usage on are considered to have accepted the use of cookies.

What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files containing limited data. These files are installed on your device or web host while browsing a website, mobile page, or using a mobile application through your browser or the related application.

We Use 6 Different Types of Cookies to Improve Our Service

Session Cookies

Session Cookies are temporary and exist only in the device or browser's temporary memory. They activate when a visitor navigates the website, mobile page, or application.

Session Cookies primarily ensure that the website, mobile page, and application function correctly while remembering visitor preferences. For example, when you add a property to your "My Favorite Properties" list, Session Cookies store this data, so the properties remain in your list as you browse other pages.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent Cookies are stored to remember visitor preferences until the user removes them. They customize the user's subsequent experiences by recalling their interactions with the website or mobile page.

For instance, if you select the "Remember me" option while logging into your registered account on, Persistent Cookies eliminate the need to re-enter your email and password.

Performance Cookies

Performance Cookies monitor the performance of the website, mobile page, or application. These cookies do not collect private user data but capture error messages to enhance the platform's faultlessness and efficiency.

Functionality Cookies

Functionality Cookies are employed to remember user preferences on the mobile or web site or application. These cookies store notification preferences, allowing the chosen preferences to be applied without reconfirmation.

Google Analytics and Marketing Cookies

We use Google Analytics and marketing cookies as described in "How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps." Visitors can prevent Google Analytics from using their data by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. We also employ IP address masking to protect user privacy. Some parts of our website may use Google Analytics for Display Advertisers, including DoubleClick or Dynamic Remarketing, which display interest-based ads. Users can manage the Google ads they see and opt out of interest-based ads through Ads Settings.

Social Media Cookies

Our website features social media buttons for platforms like LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, and Twitter. These buttons may read your IP address and pages you browse on our site, potentially setting a cookie to enable proper function. These services may authenticate your identity and offer the option to share personal information with us, such as name and email address, to pre-fill sign-up forms or provide feedback. Your interactions with these features are governed by the respective company's Privacy Policy.

How Does Cookie Usage Benefit You?

At, our goal is to enhance visitors' experiences by personalizing the portal through cookie usage. Cookies provide us with data to remember visitor preferences, maintain functionality, offer personalized portfolios, highlight hot offers, and evaluate website ease of use. Cookies also help present relevant advertisements.

Visitor Data Security

At, we prioritize the security of our visitors' data within the framework of user permissions and legal regulations. We only connect with visitors to share useful properties and news. Visitor contact information, such as email and phone numbers, is not shared with third-party companies and remains confidential.

Managing Cookie Usage

Visitors can limit data sharing by adjusting browser settings. However, this may result in reduced website, mobile page, or application functionality. Visitors who limit cookie usage are assumed to accept any performance-related issues associated with cookies.

Cookies Used on the Platform

Session Cookies:

Session Cookies are temporary and exist only in the device or browser's temporary memory. They activate when a visitor navigates the website, mobile page, or application.The primary purpose of Session Cookies is to ensure the website, mobile page, and application functions flawlessly while remembering visitor preferences. For example, when you add a property to your "My Favorite Properties" list, Session Cookies store this data, so the properties remain in your list as you browse other pages.

Persistent Cookies:

Persistent Cookies are stored to remember visitor preferences until the user removes them. They customize the user's subsequent experiences by recalling their interactions with the website or mobile page.

Categories of Cookies Used on Our Platform

Technical Cookies: Technical cookies are strictly related to website performance. They identify non-functioning pages and fields of the platform.

Flash Cookies: Flash cookies are text files sent by a web server to a client when the browser requests content supported by Adobe Flash. These are commonly used in website advertisements and videos.

Customization Cookies: These cookies allow users to specify or customize certain features of website options, such as language or locale.

Analytical Cookies: Analytical cookies recognize and count the number of website visitors. They track user movement on the website and record viewed content.

Description and Duration of Cookies Used on the Platform

Analytical Cookies:Advertisement: Used for displaying behavioral and targeted ads to visitors. Duration is 540 days from the first cookie setup or last update.

Market Analysis: Used for conducting market analysis. Duration is 360 days from the first cookie setup or last update.Campaign/Promotional: Used for calculating customer recycles and campaign effectiveness. Duration is 360 days from the first cookie setup or last update.

Facebook: Provides monitoring of Facebook members (or non-members) for market analysis and product development. Duration is 360 days from the first cookie setup or last update.

Google Analytics: Enables the improvement of website and application presentation through statistical data collection. Data collected is transferred to Google servers in the US and maintained in accordance with Google's Data Protection principles. Duration is 2 years from the first cookie setup or last update.

Source Website: Used to understand user preferences and provide relevant content. Duration is 360 days from the first cookie setup or last update.

Last Visit and Movement: Used to make updates based on changes since the last visit and to understand user preferences. Duration is 360 days from the first cookie setup or last update.

Technical Cookies:Session: Used to provide session continuity. Duration is 90 days from the first cookie setup or last update.

Load Balancing: Used to reduce server load through load distribution. Duration is 30 minutes from the first cookie setup or last update.

Authentication Cookies:
User ID: Used to view the user's own information. Duration is 360 days from the first cookie setup or last update.

Can Data Owners Block Cookie Usage?

Users can customize their cookie preferences by adjusting their browser settings.
