Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

The Turkish Law on the Protection of Personal Data, known as the KVKK Law, was enacted on April 7, 2016, to safeguard individual rights and privacy in Turkey. Our objective is to establish a data security and storage policy in compliance with this law. Dast Property creates and oversees the implementation of this policy to protect and preserve personal data.

2. ScopeThis policy applies to visitors of Dast Property's website and the Dast Property team. Dast Property is a registered brand of Dast Property. The policy covers all activities conducted by Dast Property and must be agreed upon by all employees.

3. Glossary of Terms

Dast Property: A brand of an international overseas property company.
Explicit Consent: Limited consent given for data processing with the aim of providing information.
Anonymization: Rendering personal data unidentifiable even when matched with other data.
Employees: Dast Property team members.
Service Provider: Third-party personnel providing services to Dast Property.
Individual / Customer / Visitor: A person whose personal information is held and processed by Dast Property.
Personal Information / Personal Data: Information enabling individual identification, e.g., email addresses and telephone numbers.
Processing of Personal Data: Actions including collecting, amending, storing, saving, editing, or disclosing personal information, fully or partially, automatically.
Data Controller: Individuals determining what personal information Dast Property can hold and how it will be used.
Data Processor: Natural or legal entities processing data under the Data Controller's authority.
KVKK Board: The Board of Protection of Personal Data.
KVKK Corporation: The Corporation for the Protection of Personal Data.
Law of KVKK: The Turkish Law on the Protection of Personal Data.
Policy: Dast Property's Policy of Protection and Processing of Personal Data.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1. Data Controller

Dast Property, as the Data Controller, processes personal data in compliance with the KVKK Law, determining the purpose of data usage.

4.2. Data Controller Agent

An appointed expert in data privacy ensures compliance with the law when establishing a Data Controllers Registry.

4.3. Data Processor

Data processors, operating under Dast Property's authorization, process personal data.

4.4. Responsibilities

Dast Property and Data Processors must take precautions when processing data, ensuring trust and security.

5. Legal Obligations

Dast Property has legal obligations concerning data security and processing under the KVKK Law, including:

5.1. The Obligation to Clarify

Dast Property must inform individuals about their rights, the Data Controller's identity, legal grounds for data retention, and data processing purposes.

5.2. The Obligation to Inform

Dast Property is obliged to inform individuals about data processing and respond to information requests as per Article 13 of the KVKK Law.

5.3. The Obligation to Provide Personal Data Security

Dast Property must provide data security measures as per Article 12 of the KVKK Law.

5.4. The Obligation to Enlist in the Data Controllers Registry

Dast Property must register with the Data Controllers Registry according to Article 16 of the KVKK Law.

6. Classifying Personal Data

6.1. Personal Data

Information facilitating individual identification, such as name, surname, telephone number, and email address.

6.2. Private Personal Data

Sensitive information like race, religion, health data, etc., strictly protected and not collected without consent.

7. Policy of Personal Data Processing

7.1. Principles for Data Processing

Data processing adheres to the KVKK Law's principles, including lawful and limited processing, transparency, and proportionality.

7.2. Objectives of Data Processing

Data is processed for purposes like improving user experience, communication, and providing relevant property information.

7.3. Ensuring Legal Grounds for Data Processing

Technical and legal precautions are taken to ensure lawful data processing.

8. Policy of Transferring Personal Data

8.1. Transferring Personal Data Inland

Dast Property complies with KVKK Law when sharing data, and only authorized bodies may receive it.

8.2. Transferring Personal Data Abroad

Data can be transferred abroad with adequate safety measures, approved by the KVKK Board.

9. Policy of Personal Data Preservation

9.1. Preserving Data for a Specific Time

Data is preserved for the purpose, complying with legal retention periods.

9.2. Precautions for Data Preservation

Technical and executive measures are taken to ensure data safety.

10. Security Policy of Personal Data

10.1. Responsibilities

Dast Property is responsible for data security, including reporting breaches, inspections, and prevention.

10.2. Precautions for Data Security

Technical and executive precautions are in place to protect data.

11. Rights of Individuals

Individuals have rights to access, change, or delete their data and can update their information.

12. Cookie Policy

Dast Property uses cookies to enhance user experience but respects user preferences.

13. Publishing and Preserving the Policy

The most current version is available on the website, and users are notified of changes.

14. Policy Update Period

The policy may be updated, and changes are effective immediately.

15. Validity

The policy remains in effect until removed from the website or mobile app.

16. Security

Technical and organizational security measures are in place to protect data.

17. International Data Transfer

Data may be transferred internationally, adhering to EU standards.
